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Want To Play At SXSW Sydney? Applications Are Now Open For Emerging & Established Artists

18 January 2023 | 9:00 am | Mary Varvaris

Submissions are open now for emerging and established artists to take part!

(Source: Supplied)

More G Flip More G Flip

SXSW Sydney is officially open to submissions from emerging and established artists, musical groups, filmmakers and screen creatives. The inaugural event is taking over several live music venues across central Sydney. Artists will then perform to industry reps, media and thousands of fans and fellow musicians in showcase events. Artists who are unsigned are also encouraged to apply. 

"SXSW is a milestone for any artist and essential for music industry professionals seeking to expand networks and enhance their careers," SXSW Sydney Head of Music Claire Collins commented. "Expect the same at SXSW Sydney: make meaningful connections (possibly on a boat), access career-defining opportunities and experience ‘I was there’ moments at every turn."

SXSW Sydney Head of Screen Ghita Loebenstein added, "SXSW thrives on connection and discovery, and we’re creating SXSW Sydney in that spirit. We’ll bring the industry together as we showcase the edgiest in screen business, break the next big things, celebrate the bold, and provide a place of genuine inspiration. SXSW Sydney will put Australia and Asia’s screen industry on high beam."

Taking its cues from the original monolith event, SXSW in Austin, Texas, SXSW Sydney is about showcasing the diversity of Australian talent and proving that our homegrown artists can perform alongside established international artists.

Previous Australian participant in SXSW Austin G Flip noted, "In 2018, I played my very very first show ever as G Flip, and it was at SXSW. I’ll always remember it as one of the best days of my life, playing my first show there. It was just so exhilarating and so much fun, and I have such fond memories of SXSW. So I am stoked that it is coming to Australia."

SXSW Sydney is also about helping artists grow. By holding over 200 presentations, panels, workshops and mentor sessions, the SXSW Sydney Conference will collaborate with local artists, experts, and newcomers to develop brand-new, innovative ideas that can help shape modern-day music.

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Applications to participate in the first-ever SXSW Sydney close on Sunday, 14 May 2023, at 11:59 pm AEST. The mega-showcase event begins on Sunday, 15 October and ends on Sunday, 22 October 2023. Apply here.