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Albo Chugs A Beer At Gang Of Youths

22 August 2022 | 9:10 pm | Staff Writer

Albo In Realtime

(Source: Twitter)

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Well it turns out the Finnish Prime Minister isn't the only world leader that knows how to party, with our own Anthony Albanese taking time out tonight to join 1500 of his closest live music-loving mates to catch one of Australia's greatest rock bands Gang of Youths. It didn't take long for punters at the intimate venue to notice the PM sitting up in the front row of the balcony, with applause abounding as the appreciative crowd took in the spectacle of a PM acting like a normal human being. 

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Of course, this being Australia, the obligatory call to chug his beer was forthcoming and as a scholar of the Hawke era of politics, Albo gratiously obliged. 

Good to see we've got a Prime Minister that understands the magic of live music. We guess he can be thankful he didn't get the call for a 'shoey'. 

As for Albo's "official" whereabouts, just an hour before rocking on to Gangs, he posted his whereabouts as being at a Labor Inner West campaign team meeting. We know which of tonight's parties we'd rather be attending and we guess the PM felt the same way. 

Meeting tonight with the fantastic Inner West Labor Team and local volunteers back home in Grayndler. I’m so proud of my...

Posted by Anthony Albanese on Monday, August 22, 2022

Gang of Youths are completing a mammoth tour of Australia to support their new album 'Angel In Realtime', with a full calendar including two mini-festivals in Hobart and Brisbane. You can check out our review of the band's Melbourne show which blew the crowd away. After tonight's Enmore show, the band jump on a plane to complete a massive US and European tour and prove their title as one of Australia's biggest musical exports right now. 

As for Albo, there's no word on his next show. We highly recommend he heads to Brisbane for BIGSOUND where we'd be happy to shout him a beer at the closing party